TwitterStuff I am so totally abusing tweetshot today. (EDIT: Tweetshot no longer works. Using twitter imbed now!) First, I made a few comments on ALoY today. Falcom’s showing interest in possibly remaking Origin, Ys IV, and Ys V is Felghana did well. ??????(???)?????????????????????????????????? RT @roman98jp PSP????????????????????????????????????????4?5?????????????……? — ??????? (@nihonfalcom) April…
Read More Random Twitter Information + IR ReportTag: Ys V – Kefin Lost City of Sand
Lots of Updates
Updates on Falcom’s website I’ve been a little slow on an update, but that’s okay, since I’ve got a lot to add, right? YsSeven Play Diary 5 Ika-chan talks about Mustafa and Extra Skills. She comments that you fill your extra gauge by using skills and just over time. There’s…
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