[#ThrowbackThursday] Falcom’s December 2016 Shareholder Meeting Notes and Q&A Session

In going through some old posts that I never finished, I’ve found a couple of them that should be posted, regardless of how old they are. So I have posted this one, and set the other to be part of a ‘Throwback Thursday’ thing! Please enjoy! Everything past this point is what I had written originally on the post back in December 2016.

Read More [#ThrowbackThursday] Falcom’s December 2016 Shareholder Meeting Notes and Q&A Session

[#Throwback Thursday] Toshihiro Kondo in 4gamer’s End of 2016 Interviews

In going through some old posts that I never finished, I’ve found a couple of them that should be posted, regardless of how old they are. So I have posted this one, and set the other to be part of a ‘Throwback Thursday’ thing! –> 4gamer.net has released a massive article with a four questions asked to 143 game developers and publishers in Japan, regarding the past year, and the future.

Read More [#Throwback Thursday] Toshihiro Kondo in 4gamer’s End of 2016 Interviews

Falcom’s Latest Silhouette Tease for this Week’s Sen no Kiseki III Reveals

Falcom will be releasing new character info this week with Dengeki PlayStation on 7/13, and the website update. This silhouette gives us the strong idea that we’re going to finally start seeing the other members of the original Class VII showing up. [ @NihonFalcom on Twitter ]

Read More Falcom’s Latest Silhouette Tease for this Week’s Sen no Kiseki III Reveals

DPS #640 Sen no Kiseki III Update – The Ouroboros Takes Action in Erebonia

The ‘Snake’ begins to move for its counterattack. This week’s Dengeki PlayStation unveils a number of Ouroboros related characters for Sen no Kiseki III. This issue contains spoilers for both Trails of Cold Steel games, and will include spoilers for Ao no Kiseki as well, as I cover the feature at the end of the article.

Read More DPS #640 Sen no Kiseki III Update – The Ouroboros Takes Action in Erebonia