Alan Costa from NIS America has posted details regarding the revision project for Ys VIII on their website’s blog today, and these updates will continue on a weekly basis.
Per their statement, they wish to review the translation with a new translator, re-edit the script (voiced and unvoiced) with a new editor, re-record the voice work, and debug the new build.
Regarding the situation, though, and what they wish to do, they have also learned that it will push back the project further than they expected- to sometime next year.
I don’t want to throw out a hard date then have to backtrack again, but, barring any unforeseen issues, we are currently looking to get this out early next year.
On that note, as we want this version to be the definitive release of the title, we will be holding the PC version back to coincide this this release as well.
You can read more about the situation with Ys VIII’s revision via the blog link below.
[ NIS America Blog ]
When I heard the news, I had to shake my head. I can see a translator being an issue, but none of the initial scripts would have bypassed an editor before it was sent off to be integrated into the game, to say nothing of the play-testers and other production staff who would have seen the game with the translation before it went gold. The screw-up had to be on multiple levels, which leads a person to wonder what the heck is going on at NIS America to allow a such a large mess to get pushed out.