This article has been a long-time coming, and I apologize for how quiet I’ve been here with the site for the past few months. I went into turtle mode to complete Sen no Kiseki III, as I’ve mentioned on twitter, and I’ve been trying to sort through a few things that will all be explained in this post. So settle down, get a cup of tea, cider, or beer- whichever you prefer- and we can have a long talk about the future of the site, Extra Life (many of you should be excited for this year’s raffle!), and other parts of Endless History.
Extra Life
We’ll start with the good, and exciting news, that is coming up in the next two weeks. As always, I will be participating in Extra Life this year. I do have a Falcom related event in my pre-game day stretch goals, as well. As of today (10/25), I’m at $215, and if I break $500, you can force me to play Ys VIII on Inferno during my game day marathon on 11/4!
But on top of this, there are multiple Falcom games that are in the lineup of my gameday stream on twitch. I will have Trails in the Sky the 3rd Nightmare from 8am to 10am, Oath in Felghana Inferno from 12pm to 2pm, and Ys VIII Nightmare (or Inferno if the stretch goal is met) from 4pm to 6pm. There will be, of course, other games such as Crystalis, Baten Kaitos, and La Mulana in the run, as well. So you’ll definitely want to check it out! I have more information on my personal blog.
What I’m sure everyone here is interested in, though, is what am I doing for my yearly raffle? I couldn’t provide much for it this year, unfortunately, but there are a few Steam codes involved, and last but not least, I will also be raffling off an autographed copy of the Lionheart box of Trails of Cold Steel (PS3 version) from XSEED Games. When I was at AnimeExpo this year, I had Toshihiro Kondo, Falcom’s president, autograph this box. While the box itself is unwrapped, the game and other objects inside appear to be unopened.
I will, as always, ship this on my dime, and I am willing to ship internationally!
If you are interested, check out this page for details and the form to apply for the raffle!
AnimeExpo and Post Cards
Now let’s get to the less exciting news.
I seriously dropped the ball with this website after AnimeExpo, and I apologize profusely for it- especially after the wonderful generosity that I saw from many readers that helped me get there. There were a lot of ‘real life’ events that happened during and after the convention that made things very difficult for me- and while I feel that is no excuse, considering the amounts that people submitted for this, I can only hope people understand.
I did mention that I had a plan to extend postcard receipts for Falcom after the events of the convention, and it’s still definitely in the works, but I have to make sure of a few factors first before I jump into the deep end on this routine. Especially because I have to take some time to figure out the route I plan to take regarding this. I will be posting an editorial about it in the coming weeks, after I take some time to work with others on this, then I will let you all know where and how to send any postcards that were not sent before the convention.
I actually have one last article in the pipeline still that’s about AnimeExpo. I will reveal the future of the ‘followup’ postcard campaign when I publish that article.
The Future of and Endless History
As of a few weeks ago, though, due similar real life issues mentioned above, I had gone through a period of trying to decide whether or not I would be continuing to work on this site, or if I would be changing the focus of it. It has been a long (and actually somewhat emotional and painful) period of soul searching, because Endless History has been such a big part of my life for over eight years now.
While the original plan was to shut down Endless History and archive all of its posts, I have finally decided that I will be letting up on the reigns a bit, in order to see that this site continues on. I will be inviting on at least one editor to the site at some point in the next month or two- probably after the shareholder meeting. I am in the process of writing up an application and I will post about it when it’s ready to go live.
Regarding as a whole, if you haven’t noticed, there is a new link under the ‘about’ section of the menu that details the sites of the domain. I have both Geofront and Kiseki Crack running on the same domain, and thus any interaction between editors for these sites has been compiled to a single Discord Server. Obviously, anyone who comes onto Endless History as an editor will also be granted access to said Discord server, as well.
So rest assured- Endless History won’t be ending like I talked about on twitter earlier this month, but I do want to take a step back a bit, as I’m exhausted and it’s getting to be too much for a single person to run alone. With another editor or two, I can step back and put more effort and time into translating special features and site (and domain) maintenance, as the daily run of news ends up taking all of the time I could use elsewhere for the site and the domain as a whole. As an example, I still need to fix Geofront after the major update to the site’s theme files a couple of weeks ago.
As a side note: Endless History runs on the same theme files that Geofront does- and while I think I caught and fixed everything, please let me know via twitter or contact form if you find any problems with the site, so that I can fix them. Thanks!