Last week, the Ys series celebrated its 30th anniversary, and has still continued strong to this day. With the support of its fans and players, it seems that Adol may even continue on his adventures to see a 40th, and possibly even a 50th anniversary, as well.
To celebrate the 30th anniversary, this week’s weekly special is a set containing both Ys Memories of Celceta and Ys VIII for the PlayStation Vita.
Ys VIII -Lacrimosa of Dana- (PS Vita Standard Edition) (Originally for 6200 yen)
Ys Memories of Celceta (PSVita the Best Edition) (Originally for 3200 yen)
Falcom Magazine 2017 vols 4 & 5 (Not for Sale)
Ys VIII / Sen III Vinyl Shoulder Bag (Not for Sale)
The total retail cost of this set is 9400 yen. The special price is –> 4,800 yen!
This order is good until 7/4, or until 30 orders have been made.
Order # 2922 ?969?982?