The Legend of Heroes Sen no Kiseki Original Soundtrack (Originally for 3900 yen)
The Legend of Heroes Sen no Kiseki II Original Soundtrack (Originally for 2980 yen)
The Legend of Heroes Sen no Kiseki Visual Collection (Originally for 2000 yen)
The Legend of Heroes Sen no Kiseki II Visual Collection (Originally for 1800 yen)
Falcom Magazine 2017 vol. 1 (Not for Sale)
Randomly Selected Sen no Kiseki Goods (Not for Sale)
The total retail cost of this set is 10,680 yen. The special price is –> 5,800 yen!
This order is good until 2/21, or until 30 orders have been made. (1 order per customer.)
Order # 2907 (M078?M082?B98?B114)