Ys Origin to be Released on PlayStation 4 and PS Vita on 2/21/2017


EDIT: I had the date incorrect! Just fixed it! Fixing it on the calendar, too!

At the PlayStation Experience today, Ys Origin was revealed to have a release for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita on Feb 21, 2017. This is the last of the PC only Ys games to be released to console, and through the help of a third party, it seems that it’s finally happening.

There’s very little information on this, outside of the trailer, but the following can be seen:

1) The game appears like it’s going to have a new animated sequence in it.
2) It’s being released/ported by DotEMU.

I will be reporting on this more as more info comes out!

EDIT: 2:40pm Central
Jessica Iragne has talked more about their release of it here

Of the information she’s mentioned, she has also stated that the game will not only feature the XSEED Games’ English script, but have the game translated into French, Italian, German, and Spanish as well.

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