Aksys Games Announces Tokyo Xanadu for English Release on PC and PSVita in 2017


At their panel at AnimExpo in Los Angeles, Aksys Games has announced that they will be releasing Tokyo Xanadu in 2017. It will be not only be released for PlayStation Vita, but Aksys is having the game ported to PC, as well.

As of this point, there’s no information regarding the eX+ version for PlayStation4.

Editor’s Note/Commentary

My guess is that lack of news on the PlayStation4 version of Tokyo Xanadu is because Falcom is notoriously difficult for people handling their games prior to the Japanese release.

I can see someone getting the rights for the PlayStation4 version of Ys VIII before it’s out in Japan, as long as it has no new changes to it. However, Tokyo Xanadu eX+ has new chapters, and a new playable character. As a result, there’s new lore and I imagine that Falcom is probably keeping their cards close to their chest, as you could say.

One Reply to “Aksys Games Announces Tokyo Xanadu for English Release on PC and PSVita in 2017”

  1. I can see ex+ coming the future I just desperately hope it doesn’t get held hostage by sales of the initial release.

    and also that they don’t take too long to announce it because I’m not sure I’ll be able to hold off buying the vanilla version for very long

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