[Administration] Updates! Amazon Associates Info and Summary Newsletter


Amazon Affiliate Program

As everyone knows, I have an affiliate account setup with Amazon… but it’s focused to North America. If I were to consider getting more regions cleared for my affiliate account, I need to find out more information regarding that aspect of the site.

As a result, I’ve opened a poll based on the regions Amazon allows affiliate programs, and would like to find out where my readers go if they are purchasing digital music from Amazon. This will allow me to set things up in the future.

This poll is specifically for my own reference for the time being. I can determine the location of my readers through analytics, but that doesn’t tell me the Amazon region you prefer using.

[poll id=”4″]

Summary Newsletter Program

I recently put out a poll to see if there is any interest in a monthly newsletter summarizing some of the bigger articles. There definitely appears to be enough interest to push a project for that into motion. It may take a month or two to get things fully operational for it, but you will see additional options to the site being added to give you access to such a thing.

Once I have more information on the frequency, format, and so forth, of this newsletter, I’ll post about it for you.

Here’s a great thank you and shoutout to the feedback I’ve received from my readers, as both of these are based on that information.

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