Ihad previously reported that Chara-Ani had opened preorders for the orbment watches, but it appears that Falcom has opened preorders on their own online shop.
With this, it should make it easier for people outside of Japan to order the watch as well.
Falcom has the watches priced at 39,800 yen, but with taxes, it comes out to 42,984- the same as on Chara-Ani.
As the watches are in preorder status, they cannot be ordered with other items on Falcom’s website. They will be shipped out on 6/24/2015.
[ Product Page: Watch Type A ]
[ Product Page: Watch Type B ]
From personal experiences with pre-ordering at Falcom, they do allow you to order currently available items and preorder items together. Your entire package will be shipped around the date where the preorder item is released, though. I think the game preorders are the only exception for this since they pay for the shipping as a part of the deal.
This actually has the same comment as they post on the game preorders. They may make an exception for foreign orders, but it does specifically say on the shop that they can’t accept it with other orders.
Does Falcom charge immediately or on shipping date?
How do you make an order for these i live in Canada so i am unsure how to but i really want to get one.
Email Falcon at [email protected] and use extremely simple English to tell them you want the watch. Specify the item number, name of the item in Japanese, price, and how many you want. Also list your name, address (don’t forget to list your postal code and country), and credit card information (CC type, CC number, expiration date) so they know where to ship to and how to receive the payment. After they recieve thw order, they’ll provide you with a quote. If you’re good with the quoted amount, tell them the order is OK and the deal is complete. They’ll do a credit check and charge on the day the item ships. That’s about it. Don’t forget your hello, please, and thank-yous. Also, it helps if you title the mail as something like “International Order” or something.
Also, whatever the reason, do not send them multiple order requests if they did not reply to your first one in a day or two. Chances are they’ve seen it and will reply at some point. Spamming them only serves to piss them off and give them a reason not to service your order. It also confuses them because sometimes they’ll think you’re trying to make multiple orders. If you’re really worried that they’re neglecting your order, reply to the first mail you’ve sent and ask if they have received it or not. If you don’t get a response, it’s probably safe to email in another order.