Falcomhas announced the release of the Sen no Kiseki II Players Navigator, and it’s now up on the Falcom Online Store for preorder.
This book will have the following information in it:
* To get the fullest enjoyment out of Sen no Kiseki II, a digest for the previous game will be included.
* An introduction to the new systems for this title: Over Rise and the God Knight battle system
* A structured guide directing information on the story of the prologue.
* Includes product codes for items that will be useful during the game’s prologue.
(Item Set includes: 500 of all sepith, Curia R, Dotanba Muppet, Zelam Capsule)
Stats for the book are:
Product Number: B105
Pages: A4 – 112 Pages
Periodical Code: 28066-11/1
L-CODE: 2014/11/17
Publisher: Kadokawa Company
Release Date: 9/18/2014
Price: 1,157 yen