Falcomhas announced that the Ao no Kiseki Evolution Original Soundtrack will be released on 8/20/2014. It will see an early release between 8/15 and 8/17 at this year’s Summer Comiket.
You will be able to purchase the soundtrack for 2,980 yen physically on the date. It will also have digital versions available on iTunes, Amazon, and Mora for 2,700 yen.
The Ao no Kiseki Evolution soundtrack is three discs (compared to the original Ao no Kiseki soundtrack having two), and not only will it feature full length versions of Megumi Sasaka’s ‘Azure Wish’ (the opening theme) and Konomi Yoshida’s ‘I Pray For You -Aoi Kiseki-‘ (the ending theme), but it will also have karaoke versions of the two songs as well.
I suspect that the third disc exists because of the tracks from Zero SAV that are getting brand new arrangements for Ao Evo. Prepare for such titles as Inevitable Struggle Super Arrange Version Evolution Version and A Light Illuminating The Depths Super Arrange Version Evolution Version. ;-)