Drasle Family (Legacy of the Wizard) OST Available Digitally on Amazon


Theoriginal soundtrack to Dragon Slayer IV: Drasle Family (also known as Legacy of the Wizard on the NES) has been released digitally on Amazon.com. Falcom has also announced that it’s available on iTunes as well, so you should be able to find it there also.

This soundtrack comes from the Falcom Special Box 1991, and has been in high demand, according to the notes on the DragonSlayer Chronicle box by Amusement Center.

As always, the links in this article are for Amazon.com, but as Falcom is making these available on multiple regions of Amazon (by posting them on Amazon.co.jp), if you can’t purchase digital albums from the US site, then check your own region- they may be available there as well.

This album is available for $5.99, or for $0.99 per track.

1. Opening Theme
2. Theme of Inn & Home
3. Select Scene
4. A Ground Theme
5. All Together Now
6. Theme of Shop
7. Xemn Worzen
8. Taratuness
9. Pochi
10. Erebone
11. Lyll Worzen
12. Archwinger
13. Maia Worzen
14. Rockgaea
15. Dilgyos
16. Ending Theme
17. Teatime
18. Theme of Death
19. Treasure Chest

You can purchase the album here.

If you wish to support the site at no extra cost to yourself, you can purchase the album through my Amazon Affiliate account here.

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