Dengeki PS 557 – Sen no Kiseki Sequel and Ao no Kiseki Evolution Information


Noscreenshots or photos of the article yet. I will post them later when I get it myself.

Sen no Kiseki Sequel

There are new screenshots in the issue. Some screenshots make it look like that not only Toval might be playable, but Elise will be as well.

From other sources, I’m hearing that it will be beginning/taking place during Ao no Kiseki’s final chapter.

Ao no Kiseki Evolution

This will be released in June 2014. There will be several versions.

Standard edition will be 5800 yen.
Shop special editions will be 7800 yen.
Chara-Ani Edition will be 9800 yen.
Downloadable version will be 4800 yen. (Taxes not included.)

Shop editions will contain a drama CD and an original Lloyd and Tio figure, as well as Mini Drama Zanmai.

Chara-Ani Edition will contain original Elie, KeA, and Randy figures, Mini Drama Zanmai II, and include a soundtrack CD.

You can carry over Zero no Kiseki Evolution’s save files. There will be full voice, like in Zero Evolution, the movie scenes will be remade, all character visuals will be refined, new support quests will be added, as well as new minigames.

To celebrate this, Zero no Kiseki Evolution’s downloadable version will be on sale on PSN for 2940 yen, between 1/9 and 1/29.

I will have more information once I get my copy of the magazine this weekend.

And Merry Christmas everyone!

4 Replies to “Dengeki PS 557 – Sen no Kiseki Sequel and Ao no Kiseki Evolution Information”

  1. Did they specify that the figures will be nendoroid puchi?

    Seems like I’m getting 2 copies… Chara-ani and shop edition… Or at least getting the other set of figures from the auction…

    1. I was just looking at the article. They definitely appear Nendo’ish, but I don’t see any details for them specifically. We’ll probably learn more as we get closer to June.

      1. There are actually some companies trying to replicate nendo, with lower quality (i.e. Tales’ kyun chara, white album 2 limited edition chibi figures, etc)

        Anyone interested in trading Tio with Randy? I’m going to buy Chara-ani ltd box but I want all the girls

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