Tohelp prepare everyone for Sen no Kiseki, Falcom has created this special bundle to help prepare people for the setting and situations in the background that were introduced in Ao no Kiseki. In this set, you get the game, guidebook, and the original soundtrack.
The Legend of Heroes Ao no Kiseki (PSP) (Originally for 4920 yen)
The Legend of Heroes Ao no Kiseki the Complete Guide (Originally for 1800 yen)
The Legend of Heroes Ao no Kiseki Original Soundtrack (Originally for 2980 yen)
Monthly Sen no Kiseki Magazine vol 1 (Not for Sale)
The total retail cost of this set is 9700 yen. The special price is –> 4700 yen!
This order is good until 3/17, or until 15 orders have been made.
Order # 2511