Kiseki Series Social Card Game to be Released


NihonFalcom and Vanguard Games have finalized an agreement for cooperation to develop and release a Kiseki based Social Card game.

After their release, Sora no Kiseki FC, Sora no Kiseki SC, Sora no Kiseki the 3rd, and Nayuta no Kiseki continue to show regular sales, and have shown to be reliable as long-time sellers. The popularity from them has spun out multiple variations of media based on the series: international localizations, animation, comics, novels, drama CDs, mobile phone apps, online games, and character goods.

This time, in cooperation with Vanguard Games, there is the determination to release a collectable character social card game, with the intention to release it all platforms.

At this time, details, release, and decided platforms have yet to be announced. More details will be provided in the future as they come.

[ Falcom IR Report (PDF) ]

3 Replies to “Kiseki Series Social Card Game to be Released”

  1. Many people like to play collectible card games or CCGs. These games are popular among both teenagers and adults. A CCG is also known as trading or customizable card game. Masters of CCGs call it a strategy game as in this, a person needs to try several possible tricks to make a solid deck, which helps him beat other competitors. Here players collect the playing cards and an individual, who stocks the strongest cards of the game, wins…

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