Zero no Kiseki / Ao no Kiseki Illustration Contest

Iapologize that this took so long to get out, but I never had the opportunity to finish writing this post. So here it is, Falcom’s Zero and Ao no Kiseki Illustration Contest information.

Entry Dates: 12/6/2011 ~ 1/31/2012
Publish Date: 2/14/2012
Exhibition Period: Planned for through May 2012.

Accepted Titles: Zero no Kiseki and Ao no Kiseki
* Artwork for any anime, manga, or original characters not permitted. (Part of this was appended on twitter.)

Form and File Sizes:
Illustration Contest
* Accepted files must be in jpg format.
* The dimensions of the images must be 480 (width) x 640 (height) pixels.
* Filesize cannot be more than 200kb.

4koma Contest
* Accepted files must be in jpg format.
* The dimensions of the images must be 250 (width) x 750 (height) pixels.
* Filesize cannot be more than 200kb.
* Please record the title of the work in the email.
* Storyboarding format is accepted!
* If a storboard format 4koma is a winner, the Falcom staff will complete it.

Scribble Contest
A new category with this contest! Doodles and ‘light touch sketches’ have their own category in this contest! Photographs of doodles on notebook or memo paper are ok!
* Accepted files must be in jpg format.
* The dimensions of the images must be 480 (width) x 640 (height) pixels.
* Filesize cannot be more than 200kb.

Email to Receive Entries for the Contest:

* Entry made by email.
* In the email title, use the name of the competition you’re entering: [ ?????? ] (Illustration Category), [ 4???? ] (4koma Category), or [ ?????? ] (Scribble Category).
* In the body of the email, include: 1) penname, 2) image size, 3) comments on the illustration, and include the image file as an attachment.

Announcement of Results and Awards
Results will be announced on 2/17/2012.

Grand Prize (1 entry selected per category)
– A game or music CD of your choice + a comic signed by Shinki Kitsutsuki + Falcom Goods

Excellence Award (2 entries selected per category)
– Comic signed by Shinki Kitsutsuki + Falcom Goods

Class Award (6 entries per category)
– Falcom Goods

Falcom Magazine Grand Prize

Participation Award
– All people who enter the contest will receive a PC wallpaper drawn just for the contest.

(A few days after the results are published, the winners will be contacted by email for their mailing addresses.)

[ Zero and Ao no Kiseki Illustration Contest ]

9 Replies to “Zero no Kiseki / Ao no Kiseki Illustration Contest”

  1. For the Scribble Contest category – can it be colored, or should it be in black and white?

    Also, can the comments be in English, or should I just use Google translate and hope it’s readable?

    1. I think the scribble category can be anything that’s not fully finished artwork. You can even take a picture of a doodle on a sheet of paper if you really wanted, it sounds like. I don’t see why you can’t have something colored that way, though…

      If you want to do something very finished, then you’d enter the Illustration category.

  2. For the Illustration Contest:
    Is the theme open? Or does it have to be related to the game (Zero no Kiseki/ Ao no kiseki) ?
    And can one person participate each category?

    1. This is Zero-Ao only, and I think you can enter multiple categories. At least, there wasn’t anything that prevented anyone from entering in multiple in the previous contests.

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