Episode four of the weekly radio series, with Kaori Mizuhashi (Seiyuu for Tio from Zero/Ao no Kiseki) and Kanako Kotera has been released today.
This week’s guests are a continuation of last week’s, with Yuka Shioyama (Scherazard Harvey) and Takayuki Kondou (Agate Crosner) visiting once again. This episode includes discussions on favorite battle themes in Falcom’s games, experiments involving the tomato shakes and acerbic (niga-tomato!) juice, a quiz for (or with?) Shioyama-san, and a mini-drama.
You can check it out at the website. You can also listen to the previous week’s episodes through the archive section of the page.
Next week’s episode will feature Aya Endou (Elie MacDowell) and Kumiko Nishihara (Renne).