I’m sure you’ve seen these already?
Dependingon where you preorder, you’ll get a soundtrack mini + two pins and a display case. (If you’re going through Falcom’s Mailorder, you’ll get KeA and Arionrhod.)
However, on this image of the proofs, if you look a bit more carefully….
Who could it be?
Haven´t seen them, BUT I WANT THEM!!! DDDD:
The Kea one is the absolute best, mind you. KEA TACKLE: The Deadliest S-Craft.
Awww is there a way to get all of it.
is this PO from falcom shop or from amazon? damn, i’m PO-ing from amazon, i wish this was included too >.<
I preordered from Amiami, so…Well, hopefully I get something ^-^.
you will get one of that, but which will you get, that’s the point :)
arianhord is soo cool >.> too bad ordering from falcom shop is much more expensive >.>