Thanks to Elena @ ALoY for translating the Sina article. :D
The following was translated by him:
Beijing ???? Technology Co.,Ltd has announced that it has already signed a contract with Nihon Falcom Corporation, netting it exclusive development rights for the Chinese PC version of Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki in mainland China, Hong Kong special administrative region and the Taiwan region in China, as well as those regions’ exclusive publishing rights for the Simplified Chinese PC version of Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki, which is expected to be released during Summer 2011.
[SKIP stuff about LoH sales and awards in Japan]
After obtaining the rights, Beijing ???? Technology Co.,Ltd began the PC version’s development research process, with Nihon Falcom Corporation’s technical support, focusing on rendering all the game’s graphics in high definition, the game’s graphic quality expected to surpass the previous PC versions of Legend of Heroes: Sora no Kiseki, as well as adding support for mouse, keyboard, joypad and etc.
Currently, the PC version of Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki’s high definition development research process has been completed, and now the anxious testing phase has begun.
[SKIP stuff about opening a website and forum in the coming future and an introduction to Zero no Kiseki.]
Interwise has also announced the news, which I’m looking through right now.
I’ve included the test images for this hi-def edition of the game- click to view the full resolution:
[ article ] (Again, thanks for the translation, Elena!)