I’ve got a bunch of amusing twitter quotes from today, being as it’s Friday and everyone’s out in force.
Sadly, no #FollowFriday stuff, because it’s all been people I’ve been watching already. XD
I’ll be nice to put these behind a cut, since I’m choosing to use tweetshots for this. :D
Afterreading RPGamer’s Article:
@Naruisatwit has wonderful descriptions of Sora no Kiseki/Zero no Kiseki:
Trails in the Sky FC is like a hilarious shoujo manga with crossdressing and doki doki relationships. SC is a hardcore awesome RPG.
The 3rd is a dungeon crawler that I like because it’s so streamlined and Zero is AWESOME POLICE FIGHT DINOSAURS, THE MAFIA AND ALSO A CULT.
plus the characters are adorable and I want to be Raniki someday. Haaaaa. Shutting up now.
Is there something else in the article on RPGamer, by the way? Tin-foil hat time, people!