PC Soft Free Choice Set
Falcom is having a big sale just before the release of their balance sheet at the end of the quarter.
So the next special lasts from 9/10/2010 to 9/23/2010, or until the titles are completely sold out.
You are free to select any three titles from the list below. The package will go for 3300 yen.
Caution (Please read before ordering):
*You cannot select duplicates. You can’t get three copies of Oath in Felghana, for example.
*You are free to mix multiple sets of three (6 games or 9 games, for example)
*You cannot purchase in sets other than three. (Such as 2, or 5)
*Please verify that the OS will function with your system before making the order.
[Added later]
*There is the potential of selling out during the weekend while the offices are closed. If that does, indeed, happen, Falcom will contact you by email to notify you of the situation on Monday.
Listof Games
Title: Tsukikage no Destiny (Limited Edition)
Item #: 823K
Windows XP/Me/2000/98
Title: Zwei!!
Item #: 870K
Windows XP/Me/2000/98
Title: Genso Sangokushi II
Item #: 883K
Windows XP/Me/2000/98
Title: Xanadu Next
Item #: 888K
Windows Vista/XP/Me/2000/98
Title: Ys I-II Complete
Item #: 889K
Windows Vista/XP/Me/2000/98
Sold Out!
Title: Ys: Oath in Felghana
Item #: 891K
Windows Vista/XP/Me/2000/98
Title: The Legend of Heroes III: The White WItch
Item #: 892K
Windows Vista/XP/Me/2000/98
Sold out!
Title: The Legend of Heroes IV: Tear of Vermillion
Item #: 896K
Windows Vista/XP/Me/2000/98
Title: The Legend of Heroes V: Cagesong of the Ocean
Item #: 894K
Windows Vista/XP/Me/2000/98
Title: The Legend of Heroes Sora no Kiseki FC
Item #: 895K
Windows Vista/XP/Me/2000/98
Sold out!
Title: The Legend of Heroes Sora no Kiseki SC
Item #: 896K
Windows Vista/XP/Me/2000/98
Sold out!
Title: The Legend of Heroes Sora no Kiseki the 3rd (Limited)
Item #: 898K
Windows Vista/XP/Me/2000/98
Title: Zwei II (Note: Not Zwei II Plus)
Item #: 909K
Windows Vista/XP/Me/2000/98
Note: I should’ve finished this post last night- sorry about that. I didn’t expect the sellouts to happen overnight.
Heads up – as of 5 PM EST (2010/09/13), all the titles are officially sold-out. C.T.